Griffin Goins
Contact Info:
Degree Program(s): PhD. Higher Education
Home Country: USA
Role in Graduate Student Government: GSG Representative to the Board of Trustees
Reason behind joining the GSG as an officer: Advocating on behalf of GSG and learning more about higher education governance.
As an officer in the GSG, how would you like to contribute in such a way that you improve the situation for graduate students?: As a higher education doctoral student, I hope to use my experience in the field to build connections and influence how the Board understands the GSG and UMaine graduate students generally.
Long Term Career Goals: Continued work in higher education administration and completing my doctorate at UMaine!
Involvement in clubs and other organizations: I serve on the board of directors for the Central Aroostook Chamber of Commerce and coach kids basketball.
Research at UMaine: Higher Education Doctoral Program, pursuing a Ph.D. focusing on community-building and rural-serving institutions
Hobbies: Creative writing, leisure reading, flyfishing, dogs, and family 🙂