Emmanuel Oduro

Contact Info: emmanuel.oduro@maine.edu

Degree Program(s): Communications, PhD.

Home Country: Ghana

Role in Graduate Student Government: Outreach and Professional Development Officer

Reason behind joining the GSG as an officer: I joined GSG to bridge the gap and connect graduate students at UMaine, especially underrepresented students. 

As an officer in the GSG, how would you like to contribute in such a way that you improve the situation for graduate students: I aim to organize events that foster social connections and community building among graduate students. Exciting gatherings, such as the Spring Formal, will offer students opportunities to meet new people and strengthen their sense of community. Additionally, I will keep graduate students informed about professional development opportunities through the monthly newsletter and various other events.

Long Term Career Goals: I am interested in working in an administrative role, especially in an international office in a higher education facility, to help oversee programs and services designed to support the success and well-being of international students. 

Involvement in clubs and other organizations: None at the moment.

Research at UMaine: Exploring the Counseling Department at the University of Maine: Outreach Initiatives for African International Students on Mental Health. 

Hobbies: Jogging, music, and cycling.