Dignesh Thesiya

Contact Info: dignesh.thesiya@maine.edu

Degree Program(s): MBA

Home Country: (Bharat) India

Role in Graduate Student Government: Treasurer

Reason behind joining the GSG as an officer: I joined GSG because of the benefiting graduate students at the University of Maine. I previously served as a Senator and Now as Treasurer, strengthening the GSG by providing financial support for Individual and club social events.   

As an officer in the GSG, how would you like to contribute in such a way that you improve the situation for graduate students?: I aim to utilize my financial expertise to plan and provide support for grants, social activities, and a more inclusive environment for all graduate students, fostering a vibrant and welcoming campus community.

Long Term Career Goals: After completing graduate school, I aim to work for a company in the field of engineering and management and manage a financial budget and research in mechanical engineering.

Involvement in clubs and other organizations: I am involved with the South Asian Associate of Maine as a liaison officer. Also, Involved with the Space Society of Mechanical Engineers (SAC-ISRO), the International Association of Engineers, the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), USA, and American Society for Testing and Materials. 

Research at UMaine: The study explores the use of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) on prefabricated copper structures to improve the heat sink effectiveness of thermoelectric generators (TEG). The CNTs, which have high thermal conductivity and surface area, can enhance conductive, convective, and radiative heat transfer pathways. The study found that a single step of CNT attachment can increase the open circuit voltage of TEG modules by over 50% in passive mode and over 100% without heat sink.

Hobbies: I would love to explore the outdoors! Maine is a beautiful place for hiking and the coast. Also, listening to music and cooking Indian dishes.