Gabriella Gurney

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Program/Department: Communication & Journalism (M.A.)
Home Country: New York, USA
Role in Graduate Student Government: Outreach & Professional Development Officer

Reason behind joining the GSG as an officer: The GSG is such an important place for graduate students to be able to use their voices for campus involvement, and a great resource for graduate student support. After I applied for a travel support grant from the GSG and was supported for travel to an academic conference, I knew I wanted to be a part of the organization that made such a huge difference for me- I want to help other students get that same support!

As an officer in the GSG, how would you like to contribute in such a way that you improve the situation for graduate students?: My focus as the OPD officer is on fostering relationships between graduate students across different departments. It can be so difficult to meet other students outside of your department (or even in your own department!) and networking events, socials, and professional development opportunities lay the groundwork for making connections for life.

Long-term career goals: I want to be a science journalist, ideally a writer for National Geographic or NPR.

Research: My research looks at community values attached to the sense of place and how that impacts the rejection or acceptance of large-scale projects marketed as “sustainable.” My specific focus right now is the proposed closed net-pen salmon farm for Frenchman Bay, Maine.

Involvement in clubs and other organizations: I’m a member of the National Science Foundation Natural Resources Traineeship, a program that focuses on interdisciplinary work in conservation science.

Hobbies: I like to read, watercolor, go for runs or to the gym, and play Dungeons & Dragons.