Allison Molinari
Program/Department: Physics PhD
Why did you decide to become a GSG senator?: I decided to be a GSG senator because I wanted to get more involved on campus and help keep my fellow physics grad students informed about events and opportunities for us.
How would you best serve your constituents?: I would best serve my constituents by attending GSG meetings and relying importladn information
Please tell us about your research or some fun facts about you: I do physics education research – my project is focused on student understanding of mathematics within physics, specifically with vectors.
Fun fact about me: I love to crochet! My proudest creation is a fully functional Catan game where each hexagon is roughly a foot across.
How do you plan on communicating with your constituents?: I plan to email important information. More informally I try to talk to my fellow grad students around the building either in classes or just passing by in the hall.