Alumni Association Award


The UMaine Alumni Association Award is given to a graduate student who successfully completed their undergraduate degree at UMaine and is now working towards their master’s or doctoral degree. 


UMaine graduate student who has completed their undergraduate degree at UMaine and is now working towards their master’s or doctorate degree. The applicant must be a graduate student presenter in either the poster presentation category or oral presentation at the University of Maine Student Symposium 2024.


To apply, please complete the application form and upload your UMaine experience statement. A valid UMaine email and student ID is required to apply.

The experience statement shall mention

  • Your experience studying at Umaine
  • Your motivation to choose higher education at Umaine
  • Your future goals and career objective

Please make sure that your statement is uploaded as a PDF. Your statement shall follow the following guidelines:

  • 12 point font size; times new roman
  • A minimum word limit of 250 and a maximum word limit of 500
  • The paragraph shall be single spaced or double spaced
  • Your full name and the award you are applying to must be present on the page header
  • The PDF to be uploaded should be named as follows: FirstName_LastName_AwardName

Selection process: 

The GSG Awards committee will work with the University of Maine Alumni Association to review the applications and determine the award recipient. 

Your experience statement shall entirely be utilized to appraise your application.



The awardee will be notified after selection and the award will be presented during The University of Maine Graduate Student Government Spring Formal, on April 20th, 2024 at the Innovative Media Research and Commercialization Center.


The application form will close on Friday, March 29th, 2024 at 5:00 pm.

If you have any questions please reach out to