Harrison Goldspiel
Contact Info: harrison.goldspiel@maine.edu
Degree Program(s): Wildlife Ecology (Ph.D.)
Home Country: United States
Role in Graduate Student Government: Liaison Officer
Reason behind joining the GSG as an officer: I want to help bridge the gaps between the GSG and other student-led organizations to promote effective communication, collaboration, and camaraderie for graduate students at the University of Maine. I am especially interested in maintaining solidarity and transparency between the GSG and the UMaine Graduate Workers Union.
As an officer in the GSG, how would you like to contribute in such a way that you improve the situation for graduate students?: I want all graduate students to feel better informed and connected to the pool of resources and initiatives available to them during their tenure at the University of Maine. I will work directly with different student-led groups, such as the University of Maine Student Government, Inc. and the UMaine Graduate Workers Union, to ensure that the GSG is up-to-date on issues and opportunities relevant to graduate students and that this information is effectively disseminated to the graduate student body.
Long-Term Career Goals: I’m interested in working in government or the non-profit sector as a conservation scientist with a focus on rare and threatened species, especially amphibians and reptiles.
Involvement in clubs and other organizations: UMaine Graduate Workers Union, The Wilson Center
Research at UMaine: Reconciling interlinked methodological, ecological, and conservation uncertainties for cryptic species in vernal pool ecosystems.
Hobbies: Outdoor exploration, cycling, crocheting, creative writing.