Plant, Soil, and Environmental Science

The MS degree in Plant, Soil, and Environmental Science may be earned for a program of study comprising at least 30 hours of work including credit for graduate thesis work, which constitutes a major portion of the degree program.  Areas of emphasis for graduate work include nutrient dynamics in agricultural and forest ecosystems, soil chemistry and plant nutrition, crop physiology and management, diversified cropping systems, weed ecology and management, and plant pathology.  Graduate training programs emphasize agricultural sustainability and are built from foundations in soil science, agronomy, plant physiology, ecology, microbiology, plant pathology, and statistics. Prospective graduate students should have completed coursework in chemistry, mathematics, and biology, and in subject matter areas closely related to the interests of the student and her/his advisor.

We accept applications throughout the year.  Prior to applying, please directly contact faculty whose interests are similar to yours to discuss possible research and coursework.

Degrees offered: MS

Program Format: On Campus

Application deadline: Rolling

Test Required: None

Contact: Rachel Schattman

Contact Email:

Program Website: Plant, Soil, and Environmental Science