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Thesis Defense: Aidan Lurgio

Aidan Lurgio, a candidate for Master of Science in Marine Science will be defending her thesis titled, "Seasonality of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in the Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, Along the Coast […]

Thesis Defense: Sydney Avena

Sydney Avena, a candidate for Master of Science in Marine Biology will be defending her thesis titled, "An across-hatchery collaborative approach to developing hatchery techniques for the Atlantic sea scallop, Placopecten magellanicus." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Sydney Avena at

Thesis Defense: Jessica Hutchinson

Jessica Hutchinson, a candidate for Master of Science in Plant, Soil, and Environmental Sciences will be defending her thesis titled, "Nursery and Landscape Potential of Bog birch, a Maine Native Shrub" Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Jessica Hutchinson at

Dissertation Defense: Ashish Alex

Ashish Alex, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in Forest Resources will be defending his dissertation titled, "Productivity, Cost, and Carbon Footprint of the Predominant Timber Harvesting Methods in the Northeastern US." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Ashish Alex at

Thesis Defense: Joshua Cook

Joshua Cook, a candidate for Master of Science in Marine Science will be defending his thesis titled, "Fate of Antigens and Post Injection Response in Teleost Fish, Using Zebrafish (Danio rerio ) as a Model Species." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Joshua Cook at

Dissertation Defense: Camille Ross

Camille Ross, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in Oceanography will be defending her dissertation titled, "Modeling North Atlantic Right Whales and Their Prey." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Camille Ross at

Dissertation Defense: Thomas Kiffney

Thomas Kiffney, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in Marine Biology will be defending his dissertation titled, "Modeling growth of cultured shellfish in Maine with statistical and mechanistic methods" Zoom […]

Dissertation Defense: Jennifer Smith-Mayo

Jennifer Smith-Mayo, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in Communication will be defending her dissertation titled, "An Engaged Approach to Tracing how Practices of Articulation Shape Embodiment and Materiality in a Science-based Transdisciplinary Collaboration". Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Jennifer Smith-Mayo at

Thesis Defense: Erin Dumville

Erin Dumville, a candidate for Master of Arts in Communication Sciences and Disorders will be defending her thesis titled, "Exploring Speech-Language Pathology Graduate Student Clinicians’ Understanding of Strategies for Language and Cognitive-Communication Deficits." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Erin Dumville at
