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Dissertation Defense: Phoebe Jekielek

Phoebe Jekielek, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in Ecology and Environmental Science will be defending her dissertation titled, "INTEGRATING LIFE HISTORY AND ENVIRONMENTAL DNA (eDNA) DATA TO ENHANCE DETECTION […]

Thesis Defense: Ryan Brodie

Ryan Brodie, a candidate for Master of Science in Ecology and Environmental Sciences will be defending his thesis titled, "A framework to model current and future nonbreeding distributions for four […]

Coping with Stress and Anxiety

Zoom Meeting

The Graduate School is excited to present a webinar titled "Coping with stress and anxiety" with the Counseling Center's Julia Vicaire, LCSW on Friday, September 27 at 3:00 pm on […]

Thesis Defense: Carolyn Merriam

Carolyn Merriam, a candidate for Master of Science in Wildlife Ecology, will be defending her dissertation titled, "Migration and Management: How Does Habitat Fragmentation Affect the Movements and Survival of […]

Thesis Defense: Katherine Wing

Katherine Wing, a candidate for Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary MA with a concentration in Franco American Studies will be defending her thesis titled, "Her-Story: Her Voice in Franco-American History" […]

Dissertation Defense: Gregory LeClair

Gregory LeClair, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in Ecology and Environmental Sciences will be defending his dissertation titled, "Applications of Environmental DNA in Threatened Species Conservation." Zoom meeting: For […]

Dissertation Defense: Christopher Abela

Christopher Abela, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering will be defending his dissertation titled, "Failure of Smooth Grouted Post-Tension Anchors in Dams" Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Christopher Abela at

Dissertation Defense: Andrew Ouellette

Andrew Ouellette, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Science and Engineering will be defending his dissertation titled, "Exploring potential therapeutics of cognitive ageing and Alzheimer’s Disease: Mouse to human translation." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Andrew Ouellette at

Thesis Defense: Stevie Benson

Stevie Benson, a candidate for Master of Science in Ecology and Environmental Sciences will be defending their thesis titled, "Interactions Between Timber Harvest and the Aquatic Ecology of Northern White-Cedar Lowland Forests" Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Stevie Benson at

Thesis Defense: Matthew Lawrence

Matthew Lawrence, a candidate for Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering will be defending his thesis titled, "Design Automation of Volumetric Enhancement of Additive Manufacturing via Segmentation of Polyhedron Nets" […]
