Olivia Choi, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in Ecology and Environmental Science will be defending her dissertation titled, " Assessing Avian Health: Pathogens, Movement, and the Microbiome." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Olivia Choi at olivia.choi@maine.edu.
Travis Erickson, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in Higher Education will be defending his dissertation titled, "Minoritized Medical Students' Integration of Professional Identities: A Phenomenological Study." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Travis Erickson at travis.erickson@maine.edu.
Rajeev Bhattarai, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in Forest resources will be defending his dissertation titled, "A Map-Algebra-Inspired Approach for Interacting with Wireless Sensor Networks, Cyber-Physical Systems or Internet of Things" Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact David Almeida at dave.almeida@gmail.com.