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Dissertation Defense: Jane Ellingwood

Jane Ellingwood, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in Education: Higher Education, will be defending her dissertation titled, "COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHIEF ACADEMIC OFFICERS’ PERCEPTIONS OF THE PIPELINE FOR THE PRESIDENCY." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Jane Ellingwood at

Thesis Defense: Kritee Pokharel

Kritee Pokharel, a candidate for Master of Science in Chemical Engineering will be defending her thesis titled, "The Influence of Pre Coating Layers on Barrier Coating." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Kritee Pokharel at

Thesis Defense: Stephanie Willsey

Stephanie Willsey, a candidate for Master of Science in Forest Resources will be defending her thesis titled,  "Developing an enhanced forest inventory in Maine using airborne laser scanning: The role of calibration plot design and data quality." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Stephanie Willsey at

Thesis Defense: Juan Sebastian Carvajal Munoz

Juan Sebastian Carvajal Munoz, a candidate for Master of Science in Civil Engineering will be defending his thesis titled, "Performance of Helical Piles Retrofitted with a Novel Collar Vane Under […]
