2017-18 Maine Space Grant Consortium Graduate Call for Proposals
We are pleased to announce the 2017-2018 Maine Space Grant Consortium Graduate “Call for Proposals.”
Refer to cugr.umaine.edu/msgc for application guidelines and instructions.
The focus of the proposed project must be aligned with the research priorities of NASA’s earth and space science strategic enterprises. The project may be an ongoing one or a new project. Proposals will be reviewed and awarded on an annual basis. The graduate research fellow and a faculty advisor shall agree to provide the end data for the project in the form of a final project report.
Deadline for Submission
For a student to be eligible for a Graduate Research Fellowship Award, the following criteria must be met:
• The student must be a US citizen, and
• The student must be enrolled or intending to enroll on a full-time basis in an approved graduate program at the University of Maine.
Fellowships are available for a period of one semester. The limit for any given student is two awards.
Each graduate fellowships will be $6,000 each and act as a Research Assistantship Supplement. Tuition and health are NOT included in this award. Priority will be given to ongoing fellowships. Maximum number of awards is 2 per student.
The award will be announced by Dec 15, 2017. It is anticipated that the project will start after Jan 1, 2018. The start date is negotiable.
It is required that students contact a faculty supervisor prior to writing of the proposal
Proposals should be written so that a reviewer who is not in the same technical field can understand the goals, objectives, and scope of work, anticipated resources, and benefits to the body of knowledge or science. For an undergraduate scholarship a statement should be made regarding your motivation to pursue graduate studies. A subcommittee appointed by the MSGC University of Maine Representative will conduct the proposal selection.
Proposal Selection Criteria
An applicant must provide justification about how the project will enhance the research areas in which NASA has an interest. A strong application will provide a clear linkage with one of NASA’s four strategic enterprises and it will include collaboration with a NASA center. Information regarding NASA’s strategic enterprises can be found here.
The following criteria will be central to the evaluation of all proposals:
• Quality of the proposal narrative.
• How well the proposal narrative demonstrates alignment with one of NASA’s strategic enterprises
• The qualifications of the student.
• Level of faculty supervision.
• Level of NASA collaboration.