Kayla Parsons, PhD, RDN
Professional Interests: College and young adult health, public policy and advocacy, mindful eating, nutrition programming.
Teaching: FSN 101 Introduction to Food Science and Human Nutrition, FSN 270 World Food and Culture, FSN 412 Medical Nutrition Therapy I
Recent Publications
Strout K, Schwartz-Mette R, Parsons K, Sapp M. The scholarship of wellness and mindfulness to support first-year nursing students’ response to stress. Nurs Educ Perspect. 2024.
Parsons K, Strout K, Winn C, Therrien-Genest M, Yerxa K, McNamara J. Development of Master Chef: a curriculum to promote nutrition and mindful eating among college students. Int J Pub Environ Health. 2024, 21, 487.
Parsons, K, Yerxa, K, Therrien, M, Byrd-Brenner C, McNamara J. The influence of diet quality on health-related quality of college students. J Am Coll Health. 2023, 1-7.
Strout K, Schwartz-Mette R, McNamara J, Parsons K, Walsh D, Bonnet J, et al. Wellness in nursing education to promote resilience and reduce burnout: protocol for a holistic and multidimensional wellness intervention and longitudinal research study design in nursing education. JMIR Res Protoc. 2023;12:e49020.
McNamara J, Kunichi Z, Neptune L, Parsons K. Development and validation of young adult nutrition literacy. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2022;54(7).
McNamara J, Mena NZ, Neptune L, Parsons K. College students’ views on functional, interactive and critical nutrition literacy: a qualitative study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021; 18(3):1124.