Lily Calderwood
Extension Wild Blueberry Specialist and Assistant Professor of Horticulture
Degree: Ph.D. 2015 University of Vermont
Phone: 207.812.2915
Location: 103 Deering Hall
Professional Interests: Integrated Pest Management, Sustainable Agriculture
Research: Lily Calderwood’s research and education program aims to develop whole system approaches to wild blueberry production in Maine. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is at the forefront of her work, which can improve the economic and ecological resilience of farms by incorporating subjects such as fertility, soil health, and plant physiology into pest management. Current research includes a weed survey of wild blueberry fields, tine weeding and cover cropping studies for organic weed management, mulching studies, crop and pest forecasting tools, and foliar fertilizer assessments. Past projects studied insect-plant interactions and biological control on lavender, cut flower, hop, dry bean, grains, and oilseeds. Her applied research and education helps growers to identify and address on-farm needs. To learn more about wild blueberry production research and outreach at the University of Maine visit:
Recent Publications:
Calderwood, L. 2023. Tine weeding as a weed management tool for wild blueberry growers in Maine. Acta Horticulturae. ISHS 2023. Proc. XII International Vaccinium Symposium. DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1357.38
Tasnim, R.; Birkel, S.; Calderwood, L.; Roberts, S.; Zhang, Y.-J. 2022. Seasonal Climate Trends across the Wild Blueberry Barrens of Maine, USA. Atmosphere. 13:690. DOI 10.3390/ atmos13050690
Calderwood, L., Koehler, G., Birkel, S., Roche, E.H. 2022. Weather Information and Decision Support Tool Needs Assessment. The Journal of Extension. 60:3, Article 1. DOI 10.34068/joe.60.03.01.
Gumbrewicz, B. * and Calderwood, L. 2022. Fertility Effects on Blueberry Gall Midge (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Wild Blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium; Ericales: Ericaceae). Journal of Economic Entomology. 115:3. DOI 10.1093/jee/toac043
Gumbrewicz, B. * and Calderwood, L. 2022. Comparison of Wood Mulch Particle Sizes for Wild Blueberry Management in a Changing Climate. International Journal of Fruit Science. 22:1 DOI 10.1080/15538362.2022.2070577
Barai, K., Calderwood, L., Wallhead, M., Vanhanen, H., Hall, B., Drummond, F., Zhang, Y.-J. 2022. High Variation in Yield among Wild Blueberry Genotypes: Can Yield Be Predicted by Leaf and Stem Functional Traits? Agronomy. 12:617. DOI 10.3390/ agronomy12030617
Tasnim, R., Calderwood, L., Tooley, B., Wang, L., Zhang, Y.-L. 2022. Are Foliar Fertilizers Beneficial to Growth and Yield of Wild Lowbush Blueberries? Agronomy. 12:470. DOI 10.3390/agronomy12020470
Chen, Y., Pahadi, P., Calderwood, L., Annis, S., Drummond. F., and Zhang, Y. 2022. Will Climate Warming Alter Biotic Stresses in Wild Lowbush Blueberries? Agronomy. 12:371 DOI 10.3390/agronomy12020371
Tasmin, R., Calderwood, L., Annis, S., Drummond, F., and Zhang, Y.-L. 2020. The Future of Wild Blueberries: Testing Warming Impacts Using Open-top Chambers. Spire; The Maine Journal of Conservation and Sustainability. 4th Issue.
Calderwood, L., Lewins, S., and Darby, H. 2015. Survey of northeastern hop arthropod pests and their natural enemies. Journal of Integrated Pest Management 6(1): 1-14.
Calderwood, L. , Cubins, J., Vesty, D., and Darby, H. 2017. Effect of drive row ground covers on hop (Rosales: Cannabaceae) yard arthropod pests in Vermont, USA. Environmental Entomology 46(1): 1-8.