Rosemary Smith
Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Appointments: Co-director, MicroInstruments & Systems Laboratory (MISL)
Address: 5708 ESRB-Barrows, Room 157
Telephone: 207.581.3361
- 1982 Ph.D. Bioengineering, University of Utah
- 1977 B.S. Electrical and Biomedical Electronics Engineering, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
The theme of Professor Smith’s research is the application of interdisciplinary knowledge to engineer new molecular and cellular measurement and/or manipulation methods and tools. Her projects typically involve micro and nanofabrication of devices and instruments, materials process engineering and microfluidics. Current projects include the fabrication, packaging and testing of microfluidic devices for the study of stem cell differentiation, and their response to their microenvironment.
Research Interests:
- Microfabricated sensors,actuators, instruments and systems
- Biomedical microdevices
- Microfluidic devices and instruments
- Micro and nano fabrication technology
- Semiconductor devices
Recent Publications:
- C. A. Berry, Z. R. Smith, S. D. Collins and R. L. Smith, “Dermal ISF Collection Using a Si Microneedle Array,” 2020 IEEE 33rd International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2020, pp. 365-368, doi: 10.1109/MEMS46641.2020.9056394
- R. L. Smith, S. D. Collins, J. Duy and T. D. Minogue, SILICON MICRONEEDLE ARRAY FOR MINIMALLY INVASIVE HUMAN HEALTH MONITORING (Invited), Proceedings of the SPIE Photonics West, Microfluidics, BioMEMS and Medical Microsystems, BIOS Symposium, Clinical Technologies and Systems, San Francisco, CA, Jan. 27, 2018. doi:10.1117/12.2299264
- C. J. Demers, P. Soundararajan, G. A. Cox, J. Briscoe, P. Chennampally, S .D. Collins, and R. L. Smith, DEVELOPMENT-ON-CHIP: IN VITRO NEURAL TUBE PATTERNING WITH A MICROFLUIDIC DEVICE, Development, 143, 1884-1892, (2016). doi:10.1242/dev.126847
- Z. R. Smith, R. L. Smith and S. D. Collins, MECHANISM OF NANOWIRE FORMATION IN METAL ASSISTED CHEMICAL ETCHING, Electrochimica Acta, 92: 139-147 (2013).P. S. Spinney, D. G. Howitt, R. L. Smith and S. D. Collins, “FABRICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF A SOLID -STATE NANOPORE WITH SELF-ALIGNED CARBON NANOELECTRODES FOR MOLECULAR DETECTION”, Nanotechnology, 23(13): 135501 (2012). Read Abstract
- J. Duy, S. D. Collins, R. L. Smith and L. B. Connell, A FIELD-DEPLOYABLE COLORIMETRIC BIOASSAY FOR THE RAPID AND SPECIFIC DETECTION OF RIBOSOMAL RNA, Biosensors and Bioelectronics (2012). Read Abstract
- J. Sutanto, R. L. Smith,and S. D. Collins, Scotts D., FABRICATION OF NANO-GAP ELECTRODES AND NANO WIRES USING AN ELECTROCHEMICAL AND CHEMICAL ETCHING TECHNIQUE, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 20(4) art. 045016, (2010).
- C. J. Demers, R. L. Smith and S. D. Collins, GRADIENT GENERATOR WITH DYNAMIC CONTROL, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 9(4-5), 613-622 (2010).
- J. Duy, L. B. Connell, W. Eck, S. D. Collins and R. L. Smith, PREPARATION OF SURFACTANT-STABILIZED GOLD NANOPARTICLE-PEPTIDE NUCLEIC ACID CONJUGATES, J. Nanoparticle Research, 12(7), 2363-2369 (2010).
- P. S. Spinney, D. G. Howitt, R. L. Smith and S. D. Collins, “NANOPORE FORMATION BY LOW-ENERGY FOCUSED ELECTRON BEAM MACHINING”, Nanotechnology, 21(37), article 375301 (2010).
- P. S. Spinney, D. G. Howitt, S. D. Collins and R. L. Smith, ELECTRON BEAM STIMULATED OXIDATION OF CARBON (EBSOC), Nanotechnology, 20(46), Article Number: 465301, Nov. 18, 2009.
- P. S. Spinney, S. D. Collins, D. G. Howitt and R. L. Smith. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF A CARBON NANOELECTRODE INSTRUMENTED NANOPORE SENSOR, Proceedings of the IEEE Sensors Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, pp 37-40, October 2009.
- S. J. Chen, D. G. Howitt, B. C. Gierhart, R. L. Smith and S. D. Collins, THE APPLICATIONS OF IN SITU ELECTRON ENERGY LOSS SPECTROSCOPY TO THE STUDY OF ELECTRON BEAM NANOFABRICATION, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 15(3): 204-212 (2009).
Updated: August 2020