Maine EPSCoR Media Assistant Positions Open
Maine EPSCoR is seeking student employees to join our team to provide media assistance. Video assistants and writing assistants will help produce stories about work happening across Maine EPSCoR’s many projects.
Video assistants will help create high-quality videos of Maine EPSCoR research and education projects, events, and activities. Their work creating video and photo content for Maine EPSCoR will also involve assisting in the development of digital and print materials.
Writing assistants will help write and develop stories about EPSCoR projects and their personnel across the state and help support ongoing social media-based communications. This work involves writing high-quality content, conducting interviews and research, and developing supporting materials for stories and other media products.
As an intern with Maine EPSCoR you will be producing media content that is distributed at a national level and be working with a team that aims to support your development as a writer and creator. We hope to work with you this summer.
Please refer to the descriptions for each position linked below and apply by sending a resume and cover letter to maine.epscor@maine.edu.