Exciting New Funding Opportunities
The NSF Division of Integrative Organismal Systems Hosting Virtual Office Hours
The NSF Division of Integrative Organismal Systems will be hosting virtual office hours to review new RFPs and and answer any questions you may have about their division. Please see the Dear Colleague letter below for more information and registration link:
Dear Colleague,
Please join us for our monthly information session to learn about ongoing and new opportunities at NSF!
Our January IOS Virtual Office Hour will be held January 16th, 2020 from 1pm-2pm EST. This Office Hour will include a brief discussion of recently issued solicitations and Dear Colleague Letters that you might wish to investigate more. Program directors from IOS will then talk about the Rules of Life solicitation track from the core Biology Directorate solicitations.
This will be followed by an open question and answer period for questions.
Join us remotely and bring your questions! Please use the registration link below to set up your participation in our Virtual Office Hour. For alerts on how to sign into future IOS Virtual Office Hours please visit the IOS In Focus blog (https://iosblog.nsfbio.com/) and sign up for future notifications.
Best wishes,
IOS Program Directors