Sustaining Coastal Ecosystems in Maine and Beyond

“Maine-eDNA is a state-wide, multi-institutional initiative establishing Maine as a national leader in environmental monitoring, ecological understanding and sustainability of coastal ecosystems through research, education, and outreach.”

Ecological dynamics and sustainability

Maine-eDNA is a 5-year research, education, and outreach program that seeks to transform our understanding and sustainability of Maine’s coastal ecosystems via environmental DNA (eDNA) innovations that unlock new scales of inference and new scales of collaboration. Visit our Maine-eDNA About Us page to read more about Maine-eDNA and our goals.

Visit the Maine Center for Genetics in the Environment to learn more about UMaine’s efforts to foster broad-based environmental genetics collaborations, partnerships, and infrastructure.

Maine-eDNA is open to collaborate. Visit our Open to Collaborate Notice to learn more about our commitment to Indigenous peoples and their heritage.

RII Track-1: Molecule to Ecosystem: Environmental DNA as a Nexus of Coastal Ecosystem Sustainability for Maine (Maine-eDNA) is supported by National Science Foundation award #OIA-1849227 to Maine EPSCoR at the University of Maine.