Minor in Child Development and Family Relations

The College of Education and Human Development offers an 18-credit minor in Child Development and Family Relations for undergraduate students interested in working with children and families in a variety of rewarding fields and settings, including family planning agencies, childcare facilities, nursery schools, elementary schools, family respite care settings and children’s service agencies. The minor in CDFR is available to all current degree seeking undergraduate students at the University of Maine. There are no admissions requirements. However, students should check with an advisor in their college as a change of program/plan form may be required to officially declare a minor.
The University of Maine has the only Child Development and Family Relations program in the University of Maine System. Our students work within the community of the College of Education and Human Development, which boasts small class sizes and close faculty interaction. At the same time, they are able to take advantage of the vast resources available at Maine’s largest and most comprehensive university. Undergraduate research is a focus at UMaine, and our students have the opportunity to work on such projects as social development studies, nature playground development and best practices in curriculum.
Program design
The minor in Child Development and Family Relations requires 18 credits. Students must take CHF 200 and CHF 201, as well as 12 additional credits in Child Development and Family Relations, 9 of which must be taken at UMaine. Students need to earn a minimum grade of C in CHF 200 and CHF 201, and must average no less than a C for all 18 credits to earn the minor. No more than three credits of CHF 409 Special Topics in Child Development/Family Relations and no more than three credits of CHF 496 Field Experience in Child Development/Family Life may be used toward the minor. Required courses:
- CHF 200: Family Interaction (3 credits)
- CHF 201: Introduction to Child Development (3 credits)
Students Seeking Teacher Certification
Students who wish to pursue certification as an early childhood education teacher in Maine must be enrolled in the Early Childhood Education concentration within the Child Development and Family Relations major, or double major in CDFR – Early Childhood Education and a major in another college. For students wishing to become certified teachers, the double major is a better option than the minor. A minor in CDFR does not lead to teacher certification.
To declare
For questions about the undergraduate minor in Child Development and Family Relations, please contact the College of Education and Human Development Advising Center, 100 Shibles Hall, 207.581.2412 or advisingcenter@maine.edu.