Micro-Credential: Maine PBIS Tier 1 Trainer and Coach

As Maine schools and school districts see the benefits of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) for classrooms and students, momentum throughout the state continues to grow. PBIS is a nationally recognized, multi-tiered framework providing a continuum of supports to all students, promoting positive academic, social, emotional and behavioral outcomes. There are now more than 100 schools across the state implementing this framework, with more being added each year. We need more trainers and coaches to provide support to school-based teams. The Maine PBIS Tier 1 Trainer and Coach micro-credential was created through a partnership between the University of Maine System (UMS) and the Maine Department of Education to help more people become qualified to serve as PBIS trainers and coaches. Read on to learn more about the requirements and expectations for earning this micro-credential.
What is a micro-credential?
Micro-credentials are short, focused credentials designed to provide in-demand skills, know-how and experience. A fully stacked micro-credential badge indicates that you have successfully completed a high-quality and rigorous training and were able to demonstrate the skills you developed in a work-based setting. You can learn more about UMS micro-credentials here.
Learners who complete the Maine PBIS Tier 1 Trainer and Coach pathway (Levels 1, 2 and 3) will earn a University of Maine System micro-credential. This badge demonstrates that the learner has successful completed activities and coursework that broadened their understanding of PBIS and developed competencies to effectively coach and/or train school leadership teams in Tier 1 PBIS. Learn more about the requirements and expectations here or by visiting MainePBIS.org.
What are the benefits of earning the Maine PBIS Tier 1 Trainer and Coach micro-credential?
Upon completion of this micro-credential, students will have developed the following skills and competencies:
- Comprehensive understanding and application of the PBIS framework in schools
- Effective coaching/facilitation of school PBIS leadership teams
- Effective cohort-based training of school PBIS leadership teams
- Use of adult learning principles
- Ability to support school PBIS leadership teams’ use of PBISApps, SWIS and PBIS Assessment tools
How much does it cost?
Thanks to a Maine DOE State Personnel Preparation Grant, there is no cost for participation in the micro-credential other than the related coursework and conference registrations. See details about the associated coursework below.
How do I apply?
To ensure a personalized experience, we will only accept 10 participants each year. Applications are due by May 15. Review the expectations and requirements below and carefully consider your availability. If you currently work in a school or district, you will need to obtain and submit a letter of district approval for participation. You will also need to complete an online application here.
What are the expectations and requirements?

Level 1 (Foundational Knowledge): To earn this badge, learners will develop an understanding of the primary roles, responsibilities, and required competencies of an effective Maine PBIS Tier 1 Trainer and Coach. View the Level 1 badge. Participants must:
- Be enrolled in or have completed SED 581: Response to Intervention for Behavior: School-Wide Prevention, an online (3-credit) graduate course offered in the fall through the University of Maine College of Education and Human Development. (Similar coursework from other institutions will be considered).
- Attend the Maine PBIS State Conference in the fall.
- Serve as a team member and/or coach on a school or district leadership team tasked with implementation of Tier 1 PBIS.
- Observe two PBIS leadership team meetings facilitated by a Maine PBIS trainer.
- Observe three hours of PBIS cohort training conducted by a Maine PBIS trainer.
- Conduct and record a short (15-20 minutes) professional development session on a topic related to student behavior support and complete self-assessment
- Attend Maine PBIS Tier 1 trainer and coach ToT workshop (virtual) and complete assignments.

Level 2 (Training and Practice):
- Be enrolled in or have completed SED 582: Response to Intervention for Behavior: Targeted Intervention, an online (3-credit) graduate course offered in the spring through the University of Maine College of Education and Human Development. (Similar coursework from other institutions will be considered).
- Complete the PBIS Assessment: A Free Application webinar.
- Complete the PBIS Assessment Coordinator Role webinar and become a PBIS Assessment Coordinator
- Complete the SWIS Facilitator Certification Training to become a SWIS Facilitator.
- Observe four PBIS leadership team meetings facilitated by a Maine PBIS trainer.
- Partner with a Maine PBIS trainer to co-coach a school team (not including your own).
- Observe six hours of PBIS leadership team cohort training conducted by a Maine PBIS trainer.
- Co-train one section of a cohort training with a Maine PBIS trainer.
- Observe two hours of PBIS coach trainings facilitated by a Maine PBIS trainer.
- Conduct two short (20-30 minutes) professional development sessions on a topic related to PBIS and complete a self-assessment.
- Attend Maine PBIS Tier 1 Trainer and Coach ToT Workshop (virtual) and complete assignments.

Level 3 (Application and Feedback):
- Be enrolled in or have completed the SED 583: Response to Intervention for Behavior: Individualized Interventions, an online (3-credit) graduate course offered in the summer through the University of Maine College of Education and Human Development. (Similar coursework from other institutions will be considered).
- Attend the Maine PBIS State Conference in the fall.
- Attend one regional or national PBIS conference.
- Complete the Tiered Fidelity Inventory webinar.
- Complete the District and School PBIS Assessment Evaluation Planning workshop.
- Choose one additional webinar/workshop from PBISApps, Center on PBIS or APBS to strengthen an area where you feel you need additional capacity.
- Observe one PBIS leadership team meeting facilitated by a Maine PBIS trainer.
- Provide external coaching support to one school.
- Facilitate a Tiered Fidelity Inventory and related action planning.
- Observe three hours of PBIS leadership team cohort training conducted by a Maine PBIS trainer (Either a team training or coach training).
- Co-train three hours of a cohort training with a Maine PBIS trainer.
- Conduct three short (20-30 minutes) professional development sessions on a topic related to PBIS and complete a self-assessment.
- Attend Maine PBIS Tier 1 Trainer and Coach ToT workshop (virtual) and complete assignments.
Who do I contact if I have questions?
For more information, contact Courtney Angelosante, courtney.angelosante@maine.edu, or Karen Robbie, karen.robbie@maine.edu.