Stephanie Hendrix
Adjunct Instructor
Phone: 207.581.2441
5766 Shibles Hall
University of Maine
Orono, ME 04469
Bio: Stephanie Hendrix is an adjunct instructor with the literacy education program, part of the School of Learning and Teaching at the University of Maine College of Education and Human Development. She’s been teaching secondary English and Humanities at Bangor High School since 2003. She has bachelor’s degrees in English and History, a Master of Arts in Teaching degree, an M.Ed. in literacy, a Certificate of Advanced Study in Writing and the Teaching of Writing, and a graduate certificate as a Teacher-Consultant in Writing. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in literacy education. In addition to being a full-time teacher, Stephanie is the professional development coordinator for the Maine Writing Project and serves on the Maine Multicultural Center education committee.
Doctoral student in literacy, University of Maine
C.A.S. in Writing and the Teaching of Writing, 2016, University of Maine
M.Ed. in Secondary Literacy, 2011, University of Maine
M.A.T. in Secondary English & History, 2002, University of Maine
Courses taught at UMaine
- EHD 472: Teaching Grammar in Context
- ERL 544: Digital Writing
Check out Stephanie’s website.
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