Shihfen Tu
Phone: 207.581.9064
Fax: 207.581.9510 308 Shibles Hall
University of Maine
Orono, ME 04469-5766
Bio: Shihfen Tu is professor of education and applied quantitative methods in the University of Maine College of Education and Human Development. Dr. Tu is a methodologist with extensive expertise in the area of biobehavioral informatics and applied quantitative methods, centering on the themes of developmental epidemiology, public health, developmental disabilities and education. She specializes in linking and analyzing large population databases to study developmental issues in the fields of health, education and developmental disabilities. Directly connected to her background in cognitive psychology, Dr. Tu is also interested in concept formation associated with STEM learning and using technology to teach mathematics.
Ph.D. in Psychology (Cognition and Perception) w/ minor in Quantitative Psychology, 1994, University of Washington
B.S. in Agricultural Economics, 1985, National Chung-Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, Republic of China
Courses taught at UMaine
- EHD 510: Introduction to Educational Research
- EHD 573: Statistical Methods in Education I
- CHF 331: Cognitive Development
Download Dr. Tu’s CV to see her publications: