Sherrie Weeks
Athletic Training Instructor (Retired)
112 Lengyll Hall
University of Maine
Orono, ME 04469
Bio: Sherrie Weeks retired at the end of the 2020-21 academic year, after serving as instructor and program director for the bachelor of science program in Athletic Training. She oversaw daily operations and ensured compliance with Commission for Accrediting Athletic Training Education standards. Her other duties included advising students, acting as faculty advisor for Athletic Training Student Organization and for CRU, teaching responsibilities, and volunteering as a clinical athletic trainer when possible. She collaborated with health care providers and athletic trainers in the greater Bangor area to provide continuing education that kept them up-to-date with changing competencies and standards in sports medicine.
Ed.S., Liberty University
M.Ed., University of Virginia
B.S., Castleton State College
Courses taught at UMaine
- KPE 100: Introduction to Athletic Training
- KPE 273: Anatomy and Pathology of Musculoskeletal Injuries
- KPE 387: Therapeutic Exercise
- KPE 388: Therapeutic Modalities
- KPE 401: Senior Seminar – Athletic Training