Jim Artesani

Associate Professor of Special Education (Retired)
Phone: 207.581.4061
Bio: Dr. James Artesani is the former Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, Research and Outreach in the College of Education and Human Development. He retired in 2024. Artesani taught graduate-level courses in school-wide discipline, emotional and behavioral disorders, at-risk students and autism. He has numerous publications and has presented at many national and international conferences on topics related to student behavior and social development. He continues to provide professional development to many Maine school systems in the area of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS).
Ed.D., 1992, West Virginia University
M.Ed., 1983, University of Maine
B.S., 1979, Barrington College
Courses taught at UMaine
- EDU 509 Autism
- SED 402 Adapting Instruction for Students with Disabilities
- SED 509 Curriculum Development: Severe Disabilities
- SED 532 Behavior Management and Intervention
- SED 536 Educational Strategies: Severe Disabilities
- SED 552 Working with Families of Students with Disabilities
- SED 556 Educational Assessment: Severe Disabilities
- SED 563 Positive Supports for Challenging Behaviors
- SED 691 Field Practicum
Sample publications
- Artesani, A.J. (2000). Understanding the purpose of challenging behavior: A guide to conducting functional assessments. Student Enrichment Series. Prentice Hall, Columbus, Ohio.
- Artesani, A.J. & Fairman, M. (2000). Using Distance Education to Provide Graduate Coursework in Maine. In B.L. Ludlow & F. Spooner, (Eds.), Distance education. Restin, Va: Council for Exceptional Children.
- Artesani, A.J., & Mallar, L. (1998). Positive behavior supports in general education settings: Combining person-centered planning and functional analysis. Intervention in school and clinic, 34 (1) 33-38.
- Artesani, A.J. & Brown, D. (1998). A Model for Special Services Program Evaluation. Journal of Research in Rural Education. 14 (2) 116-124.
- Artesani, A.J., Harris, W., & Durant, L.B., & Lindyberg, L. (1998). Principals’ Perspectives on Challenging Behaviors in Maine Schools. [Monograph] Orono, ME: University of Maine College of Education & Human Development/Maine Principal’s Association Research Partnership.
- Artesani, A.J., Goessling, D.P., & Smith, V. (1998). Collaborative teaching over interactive television: The agony and the ecstasy. Rural Special Education Quarterly. 17 (1), 3-11.
- Artesani, A.J., Itkonen, T.M., Fryxell, D., & Woolcock, W.W. (1995). Community instruction. In W.W. Woolcock & J.W. Domeraci, (Eds.), Instructional strategies in the community: A resource guide for community instruction for persons with disabilities. Austin, Tx: Pro-Ed. Publishers.
- Woolcock, W.W. & Artesani, A.J. (1995). Instructional analysis: Sequences of community tasks. In W.W. Woolcock & Domeraci, J. (Eds.), Instructional strategies in the community: A resource guide for community instruction for persons with disabilities. Austin, Tx: Pro-Ed Publishers.