School of Learning and Teaching

Carole Goldberg Peg Ayer Yvette Hule

Carole Goldberg: UMaine grad reflects on long career in education, retail, and sexual harassment and assault response services

Carole Goldberg had a distinguished career at Yale University, where she worked for 25 years. She was founding director of the SHARE (Sexual Harassment and Assault Response and Education) Center at Yale and served as assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at the Yale School of Medicine. Before that she traveled the world, first as a teacher and later as a successful retail manager.

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Mills co-edits special issue of Professional Development in Education

University of Maine assistant professor of curriculum, assessment and instruction Tammy Mills is co-editor of a new two-volume special issue of the journal Professional Development in Education on the theme, “Non-linear perspectives on teacher development: complexity in professional learning and practice.”

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