Accreditation Steering Committee
The Accreditation Steering Committee oversees all aspects of the accreditation process and incorporates CAEP procedures into the day-to-day operations of the College of Education and Human Development. Membership on the committee will include the dean, associate deans, assessment coordinator, director of student advising, school directors, director of field experiences, and faculty representatives from external unit programs, such as music, art, modern languages, and Master of Science in Teaching (MST) programs.
In addition to the steering committee, and under its auspices, will be multiple subcommittees, the Accreditation Assessment Subcommittee and the CAEP Standards Subcommittees. The Accreditation Assessment Subcommittee shall design and provide oversight for the implementation, evaluation, and maintenance of the college’s CAEP and NECHE assessment process. For each CAEP standard, there shall be a dedicated standard committee which will coordinate data collection and analysis in support of individual program areas and the larger CAEP unit’s progress toward meeting their assigned CAEP standard. Membership in the Accreditation Assessment Subcommittee shall include the assessment coordinator, associate dean of graduate studies, data specialist, faculty representatives from each school and/or members chosen based on expertise and interest in designing, implementing, and maintaining the CAEP/NECHE assessment system. For the CAEP Standards Subcommittees, the membership shall include the assessment coordinator, associate deans, and faculty representatives chosen from each program area seeking CAEP accreditation.