Doty receives scholarship, will present research at annual COPIS conference held at UMaine

The Council of Professors of Instructional Supervision (COPIS) has awarded its annual Arthur Blumberg-Edward Pajak Award to Jon Doty, who earned his Ed.D. in educational leadership from University of Maine in May 2018.
The scholarship provides funds for doctoral students to travel and present at COPIS events. It’s named for two scholars who were founding members of the organization, and whose work made significant contributions to instructional supervision research.
Doty will receive $500 and present at the 2018 COPIS fall conference to be held at University of Maine, Oct. 12-14. Doty, director of curriculum, instruction and assessment for RSU 34, the Alton, Bradley and Old Town school district, will present his research titled, “Teacher Performance Evaluation and Professional Growth in the Era of ‘Educator Effectiveness’ in Maine.”
Doty’s dissertation chair was Dr. Ian Mette, assistant professor of educational leadership.