GSA grant awarded for dating Antarctic metamorphism
Steven Spreitzer, a SECS master’s student and teaching assistant has been awarded funding for his research from the Geological Society of America through the Graduate Student Research Grant. For his master’s thesis, Steven is using a radiometric dating technique, called in-situ monazite dating, in order to find the ages of metamorphic rocks from the Larsemann Hills in East Antarctica. This technique will allow the dates of grains of the mineral monazite to be linked to the formation of individual metamorphic minerals, thus relating the variables of time, temperature and pressure. Steven will use this funding to travel to the University of Massachusetts Amherst in order to work with faculty at the Ultrachron Geochronology Lab. This lab has an electron microprobe specifically built for the types of high precision analysis needed for in-situ monazite dating. His thesis advisor is Dr. Ed Grew.