Student being advised by faculty


Connect with our Early College advisor, Seth Ordway! Through EC advising we can help you with:

  • Explore your goals and interests.
  • Find and apply for the best-fit classes.
  • Reflect on your class experiences.
  • Learn about Early College Pathways and create a pathway plan.
  • Access resources at the University of Maine.

This is also a great opportunity to develop skills in working with an advisor, which is essential for success at the college level.

photo of Seth Ordway

Seth Ordway

Early College Counselor

Types of Advising Appointments

There are several different types of appointments you can schedule for advising, each with a 15 or 30-minute option. Which you choose depends on where you are in your Early College journey and what you hope to get out of your meeting.

This option is for students who have not started with Early College but are interested in learning more about it.

This option is for students who want help finding available classes and choosing what to apply for.

This option is for students approaching the end of their Early College journey and want to discuss topics such as ordering transcripts or how best to apply their Early College experience to the next phase of their life.

This option is for folks with questions that don’t fit into any other meeting type.

This option is for students interested in starting a pathway but have not yet had their initial Pathway Trailhead Session (PTS) with their advisor.

This option is for students who have already had their initial Pathway Trailhead Session (PTS) with their advisor but wish to meet again to review their progress, review course options, and/or potentially make changes to their pathway plan.

Important Notes About Advising Appointments

  • To ensure everyone’s time is respected, meetings will be held to their set duration (15 or 30 minutes maximum)
  • If more time is needed, you can request a meeting that extends beyond the 30-minute maximum. Otherwise, you will be encouraged to schedule a follow-up session
  • All advising sessions are held through Zoom
  • All sessions must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance
  • Please communicate via email if you will be unable to attend your scheduled session

