Instructional Design

CITL supports the use of innovative teaching methods at the University of Maine. We assist faculty from course design to implementation and support. Faculty work with us on a range of class formats:

inpersonIn Person

Students come to a traditional classroom or lecture hall during a scheduled time for face-to-face classes delivered in person by an instructor.




Students learn remotely through purely online content and work together synchronously and/or asynchronously. No on-campus attendance is necessary.




Also known as “hybrid,” this class style is a mix of online and in-person learning. Generally, the online content replaces roughly 20% of in-person class meetings.




The traditional breakdown between in-class work and homework is reversed. Students acquire facts outside of class first, then meet with other students and the instructor to work on projects or problem sets.


integratedIntegrated Teaching & Research

Faculty structure the course around a problem or project. They engage students in collecting information, then analyzing it with the current tools of the trade as well as presenting their findings as practitioners would.



vidmulti Video Conference & Multicampus Courses

Using video conferencing, multicampus courses seek to make students’ disparate locations a valued feature of the course content. Students learn about their local setting, but in a regional, national, and even global context.


We can help individual faculty members, departments, and schools plan their 21st century curricula. We will also gather the resources, media development expertise, technical support, and more to help achieve teaching and learning goals.