Learning with AI
May 2024
A series of timely workshops, discussions, and course design sessions focused on AI.
Approved UMaine AI Guidelines
Generative AI Guidelines for Teaching and Learning
What is generative AI?
Generative AI services, such as ChatGPT and Dall-E 2 use very, very large data sets to generate statistical probabilities of images or narrative writing in response to simple prompts, such as: “describe a Maine coastline from the perspective of an economist.” Their output can seem competent, especially as a description, utilize good grammar and syntax, and could be hard to differentiate from student work. These tools are simple to use, fast, and, currently, some are free.
On the other hand, they generate statistically probable results. Not real or actual facts. This means quotes, citation, and other data may be assembled words and/or numbers, but they were generated by the AI not drawn from an actual source.
Why are we talking about it?
Students can use generative AI to complete assignments.
Some may use their instructor’s assignment as a prompt with an AI service and simply hand in the AI generated results. Others may start with their own thoughts, use AI, incorporate some material and jettison others, rework on their own, and finish with a grammar check (a very similar approach would also work for programming assignments, especially at the introductory level).
Currently, companies, such as Turnitin, with whom UMaine has a contract for assessing plagiarism of student submissions, claims to have the technology to detect AI-generated text. Assessments of Turnitin’s results don’t support this claim. We are not aware of any vendor who has succeeded.
It is highly probable that today’s students, upon completing their education, will go into a field in which their employers and/or customers/clients will expect a high level of proficiency in the use of AI.
What should you do about this in the classes you teach?
Faculty members could approach this in a range of ways.
In each case, though, instructors should explain to students their rationale for including/excluding generative AI in their course.
Citing or acknowledging the use of AI services.
You may wish for students to cite their use of AI tools in foot or endnotes, or via blanket acknowledgment.
- Citation in foot/endnotes: “Service used, version, date. Text of prompt. Link to service.”
- Blanket acknowledgement: “Portions of the text and ideas in this document were created or edited using Service.”
If you would like help crafting assignments and assessments for your courses, use this form to Request a consultation with an Instructional Designer.
Other Resources
Jon Ippolito from New Media created an online Learn with AI Toolkit. Here you will find a sortable collection of AI related Resources, Strategies for Using AI, and an FAQ.
For those interested in a deeper dive into AI, the University of Maine also hosts an Artificial Intelligence Initiative (UMaine AI). The goal of this effort is to bring together university, industry, government, and community collaborators from Maine and beyond to advance the field of artificial intelligence, and, through development of innovative technologies and applications, find transformative solutions to enhance human life and societal well-being.
In September of 2023 the Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center at UMaine posted a Maine Policy Matters pod cast on The Impact of AI on Research and Higher Education, featuring Ali Abedi, Salimeh Sekeh, and Peter Schilling.