What is Gradescope?

Gradescope is a tool that provides a streamline and efficient mechanism to provide formative feedback and standardized grading of paper-based, online multiple choice, short answer, essay questions, bubble sheets (scantron) and coding assignment.
Some Common Grading Problems Gradescope can Help Solve
- Eliminate the need for time consuming regrading by adjusting rubrics dynamically, retroactively applying changes while grading assignments.
- Remove bias in grading with anonymous grading.
- Remove inconsistencies in grading with single question grading.
- Eliminate the need for grading sessions, or calibrations with TAs by allowing for simultaneous remote grading.
- Save time by having Gradescope AI-assisted grading group similar answers to increase grading and feedback efficiency.
- Identify pinch points in learning with detailed analytics of questions and rubric items.
- No more lost exams – return paper based assignments with feedback to students digitally.
- Minimize the use of AI by using handwritten assignments in class for assessments.
- Remove confusion from students looking for feedback on their assignments by synching assignment grading with Brightspace.
Gradescope at no cost to instructors or students. The Brightspace integration allows your class roster and assignments to be linked and grades to be automatically sent into the Brightspace Gradebook.
To learn more, access these tutorials on Gradescope – or request an overview for your unit or department – email CITL Workshop
Step-by-Step Guides to Get you Started
- Overview – Learn about Gradescope and how it works.
- Assignment Types: Explore different types of assignment types you can use with Gradescope.
- Creating an Assignment – Learn to set up your assignments in Gradescope so you are ready to grade them and provide feedback to students.
- Grading an Assignment using the Dynamic Rubric – Walk through grading a simple assignment using Gradescope.
- Viewing Assignment Statistics – Learn how to gain insight to student learning with assignment statistics.
- Creating and Grading Online Assignments – Learn to set up an online assignment and grade it.
- Linking a Brightspace Course to Gradescope – Link your course in Brightspace to a Gradescope course.
- Creating a Gradescope Assignment in Brightspace – Create Gradescope assessments in Brightspace.
- How Students Find Feedback from Gradescope – Direct students to your rubric feedback in Brightspace.
- Roles and Permissions in Gradescope – The different roles available to assign in Gradescope.
Explore the comprehensive Gradescope Help Center to find information and answers to frequently asked questions, or interact with their Answer Bot. Have a specific question about Gradescope? CITL Faculty Support can help with your Brightspace course and other integrations.