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Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning

Graduate Student Book Club – Radical Hope: A Teaching Manifesto

Virtual Location

Virtual meetings (via Zoom) We will be reading Radical Hope: A teaching manifesto by Kevin M. Gannon – which addresses timely issues around inclusive teaching practices. Books will be provided by CITL. From the publisher: “Kevin Gannon asks that the contemporary university’s manifold problems be approached as opportunities for critical engagement, arguing that, when done […]

Engaging in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning – Spring 2023

Virtual Location

Virtual  Alternate Thursdays at 3:00-4:00 pm, starting January 19th; opposite Thursdays can be reserved for optional asynchronous/small group work. Innovation in teaching provides exciting opportunities for research and scholarship on teaching practices with topics including the fundamentals of the scholarship of Teaching and Learning, research question identification, SoTL literature, study design, IRB application, common methodologies, […]

Book discussion. America Calling: A Foreign Student in a Country of Possibility by Rajika Bhandari–


The population of international students at UMaine has rebounded since the onset of COVID–international undergraduate applications for fall 2023 are trending more than double what they were in fall 2019. UMM is seeing almost an exponential increase. With this, understanding and valuing the experiences and perspectives of international students has become increasingly important at both […]

Why and How You Should Collect Mid-Semester Feedback on Your Teaching

Virtual Program Mid-semester feedback from students can result in both improved teaching and learning and end of semester SETs.  We walk through a four step process leading to an outline for a survey to use in your class.  If time and interest allow, we will demonstrate developing surveys using online tools such as Google Forms […]

Graduate Student Book Club – Radical Hope: A Teaching Manifesto

Virtual Location

Virtual meetings (via Zoom) We will be reading Radical Hope: A teaching manifesto by Kevin M. Gannon – which addresses timely issues around inclusive teaching practices. Books will be provided by CITL. From the publisher: “Kevin Gannon asks that the contemporary university’s manifold problems be approached as opportunities for critical engagement, arguing that, when done […]

Engaging in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning – Spring 2023

Virtual Location

Virtual  Alternate Thursdays at 3:00-4:00 pm, starting January 19th; opposite Thursdays can be reserved for optional asynchronous/small group work. Innovation in teaching provides exciting opportunities for research and scholarship on teaching practices with topics including the fundamentals of the scholarship of Teaching and Learning, research question identification, SoTL literature, study design, IRB application, common methodologies, […]

Introduction to Generative AI and Its Impact on Higher Education

Bangor Room, Memorial Union Building

Location: Bangor Room Memorial Union Facilitators: Peter Schilling & Jon Ippolito   Join faculty, staff, and students to discuss the role of generative AI on teaching and learning. CITL and New Media will host speakers who can shed light on the various ways text, image, video, audio, and other AI technologies may impact the learning […]

Graduate Student Book Club – Radical Hope: A Teaching Manifesto

Virtual Location

Virtual meetings (via Zoom) We will be reading Radical Hope: A teaching manifesto by Kevin M. Gannon – which addresses timely issues around inclusive teaching practices. Books will be provided by CITL. From the publisher: “Kevin Gannon asks that the contemporary university’s manifold problems be approached as opportunities for critical engagement, arguing that, when done […]

The Feedback Dilemma


Virtual How do you balance quality of feedback with time investment?  What are strategies faculty employ to ensure that students engage with their feedback?  How do you tackle feedback at […]
