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Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning

The value of mid-semester feedback of teaching (Virtual Workshop)

Virtual Location

In this workshop we will discuss the value of collecting formative mid-semester feedback of your teaching from your students.  We walk through a four step process that often improves teaching as well as end of semester evaluations of teaching (SETs). If time and interest allow, we will demonstrate developing surveys using online tools such as […]

Plus One Strategies for UDL: Creating accessible documents for your course – Google Docs, Grackle Docs & PDFs (Virtual Workshop)

102 Fernald Hall 102 Fernald Hall, Orono

Open to all instructors at UMaine or UMaine Machias, these 30-minutes meetings will focus on “Plus One Strategies” you can adopt to proactively design courses that meet the varied needs of our increasingly diverse body of students. Each workshop will be designed with 30 minutes of learning on a specific strategy and 30 minutes of […]

Plus One Strategies for UDL: Creating accessible tables and spreadsheets for your courses (Virtual Workshop)

Virtual Location

Open to all instructors at UMaine or UMaine Machias, these 30-minutes meetings will focus on “Plus One Strategies” you can adopt to proactively design courses that meet the varied needs of our increasingly diverse body of students. Each workshop will be designed with 30 minutes of learning on a specific strategy and 30 minutes of […]

Demystifying the Hackerspace: Using UMaine’s Hackerspace for classroom-based research

Hackerspace, Memorial Union Building

Are you looking for creative and relevant ways to have your students engage in research in your courses?  Makerspaces/Hackerspaces provide students with a suite of 21st century tools to innovate, solve problems, collaborate and be creative in any discipline. Learn how to empower your students to use tools such as inexpensive micro processors connected to  […]

Digital Equity & E-Inclusion Community of Practice

102 Fernald Hall 102 Fernald Hall, Orono

Topic - Integrating and applying UDL/UDI strategies The Digital Equity & E-Inclusion Community of Practice (DECoP) will bring together faculty interested in supporting, exploring, and cultivating a digital equity practice. Meets alternate Wednesdays at 12:00-1:00pm in Fernald Hall or via Zoom. Learn More and Register Here

New Faculty Community of Practice – Teaching at UMaine

Join new faculty as we discuss foundational teaching practices in the context of teaching at UMaine. Together, explore and learn about UMaine's students, policies and develop a strong foundation of teaching skills. Topics for discussion will be generated based on the interest of the faculty. The group will meet every three weeks through the semester. […]
