• Welcome •

The Canadian-American Center at the University of Maine is one of the leading institutes for the study of Canada in the United States. Designated as a National Resource Center on Canada by the United States Department of Education in 1979, the Center coordinates an extensive program of undergraduate and graduate Canadian Studies education;  helps support a major research library on Canada;  promotes cross-border research in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and professions;  and directs outreach programs to state, regional, and national audiences. The Canadian-American Center is a founding member of the Northeast National Resource Center on Canada.

Programs & Resources

Center Funding Requests

The Canadian-American Center presents: Jean Christophe Cloutier: Big American Writer: The Bilingual Self-Making of Jack Kerouac

April 3, 2025@ 4:00 PM inThe Bangor room at the Memorial Union Jean-Christophe Cloutier will discuss Jack Kerouac’s writerly coming of age from the perspective of his geopolitical and cultural-linguistic reality as a bilingual, first-generation immigrant Franco-American author. Cloutier will address the author’s private French manuscripts, preserved in his archive and published posthumously, to uncover […]
Read More The Canadian-American Center presents: Jean Christophe Cloutier: Big American Writer: The Bilingual Self-Making of Jack Kerouac

Teaching French through Nutshimit: A Discussion with author Melissa Mollen Dupuis

March 14, 2025@ 4:00 PMvia Zoom In Innu culture, nutshimit represents both the physical and social space for connecting with traditions, language, and nature. Step into this world with author Melissa Mollen Dupuis as she takes you on a guided journey through the forest, showing how to weave Indigenous voices into the K-12 French classroom […]
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UMaine English Dept. New Writing Series presents: Rod Moody-Corbett

On Thursday, October 17th at 4:30pm, The New Writing Series will feature Canadian writer Rod Moody-Corbett. Moody-Corbett will read from his debut novel, Hides, published by Breakwater Books (St. John’s, Newfoundland). Light refreshments will be served in the IMRC (Stewart Commons 104) starting at 4pm. Hollie Adams will introduce the author.  The New Writing Series is sponsored by the English Department […]
Read More UMaine English Dept. New Writing Series presents: Rod Moody-Corbett