Campus Recreation Student Employee Information
<span class=”bodytext”><b>Online Employment/Training Resources</b></span></p>
<p><span class=”bodytext”>These instructions are written with the assumption that you are a <em>returning</em> student employee. <strong>If you <em>have not</em> worked for UMaine before</strong>, you’ll have to fill out a W-4ME, W-4, I-9, and Direct Deposit forms. Please visit the <a href=”” target=”_blank”>Student Employment</a> website for more information. Especially take note of what forms of ID you will need to bring with you.</span></p>
<p class=”bodytext”><strong><span class=”style3″>Step 1:<br>
</span>Fill out Work Authorization Form and Return to Supervisor <br>
(Due August 15)</strong></p>
<p class=”bodytext”>If you are a <strong>NON-WorkStudy</strong> student employee, then choose the correct form shown below. </p>
<p class=”bodytext”>If you ARE a <strong>WorkStudy</strong> student employee, then you need to get your form from the <a href=”” target=”_blank”>Office of Student Employment</a> yourself.</p>
<p class=”bodytext”>Operations – <a href=””>David Mahan</a>, Assistant Director for Operations<br>
– <a href=”pdf/EntryDeskAuth.pdf”>Front Desk Assistant</a><br>
– <a href=”pdf/LifeguardAuth.pdf”>Lifeguard</a><br>
– <a href=”pdf/ManagerAuth.pdf”>Building Manager</a></p>
<p class=”bodytext”>Fitness – Julia Avans, Assistant Director for Fitness<br>
– <a href=”pdf/PT & Swim Instructor Auth.pdf”>Personal Trainer</a> – Regular Rate<br>
– <a href=”pdf/Group Fitness Auth.pdf”>Group Ex Instructor</a> – Regular Rate<br>
– <a href=”pdf/Fitness Meeting Rate Auth.pdf”>Meeting Rate for All Fitness Employees</a></p>
<p class=”bodytext”>Intramurals – Thad Dwyer, Assistant Director for Intramurals<br>
– <a href=”pdf/IM RefSup Auth.pdf”>Intramural Supervisor</a><br>
<p class=”bodytext”>Maine Bound – <a href=””>Lisa Carter</a> & <a href=””>Charlie Bloedon</a>, Coordinators for Maine Bound<br>
– <a href=”pdf/MB-OpsAuth.pdf”>Operations Assistant</a><br>
– <a href=”pdf/MB-InstAuth.pdf”>Instructor / Trip Leader</a></p>
<p class=”bodytext”>Marketing – <a href=””>Sharon Kenney</a>, Assistant Director for Membership/Marketing<br>
– <a href=”pdf/MarketingAuth.pdf”>Marketing Assistant</a></p>
<p class=”bodytext”><strong><span class=”style3″>Step 2:</span><br>
Complete all online training modules and Email to Supervisor <br>
(Due August 15)</strong><br>
– <a href=”” target=”_blank”>Basic Safety Training</a><br>
– Sexual Harassment Awareness – coming soon<br>
– FERPA – coming soon<br>
– <a href=”” target=”_blank”>Blood-Borne Pathogens (BBP) Refresher</a></p>
<p class=”bodytext”><span class=”style3″><strong>Step 3:</strong></span><br>
<strong>CPR / First Aid / AED (for <strong>Adult/Child/Infant)</strong><br>
<p class=”bodytext”>Make sure your CPR / First Aid / AED training is up to date. If your training was done here at Campus Recreation, it is good for two years.</p>
<p class=”bodytext”>We have two CPR/First Aid training sessions during Fall Training weekend; the cost is $15 and you must register AND PAY in advance (call 581-1082):<br>
– Saturday August 28 from 2:00pm – 5:00pm, or<br>
– Sunday August 29 from 1:00pm – 4:00pm</p>
<p class=”bodytext”><strong><span class=”style3″>Step 4:</span></strong><br>
<strong>Attend Fall Employee Training<br>
ALL STAFF: Saturday August 28, 2010 @ Rec Center</strong><br>
<strong>AREA SPECIFIC: Your supervisor will give you the details.</strong></p>
<p class=”bodytext”>Staff training this year will be different than in the past. The training will be active, challenging, teamwork oriented, and fun (at least that is the plan!).
Please be ready to be an active participant and to have fun.
Please come to the training prepared to be and inside and outside… please wear sneakers and bring a water bottle.<br>
<p class=”bodytext”><strong>All-Staff Training</strong><br>
8:30 – 9:00 – Check in and refreshments<br>
9:00 – 9:05 – Intro to training and the day<br>
9:05 – 12:30 – The Great Campus Rec/Maine Bound Staff Challenge<br>
12:30 – 1:15 – Cookout<br>
1:15 – 2:00 – Wrap-up<br>
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If you have not worked for UMaine before, you will have to fill out a Federal i-9 form at the Student Employment office located at Wingate Hall on Munson Rd, opposite of Lord Hall
If you’re looking for it on Google Maps you can just search for “University of Maine Office of Student Financial Aid” and it will bring you there.
Click here to see the forms of ID you will need to bring with you. Most commonly, US citizens use their drivers’ license AND either their social security card OR their birth certificate. If you are a US citizen with a US passport, then that’s all you need.
Step 1: Fill out Work Authorization Form and Return to Supervisor
Contact your supervisor (listed below) for your work authorization form.
Operations – Gwendolyn Reed, Administrative and Business Coordinator
– Front Desk Staff
– Building Managers
Operations – Eric Swett, Operations Coordinator
– Maintenance Staff
Fitness & Aquatics – Josh Bridges, Assistant Director for Fitness
– Personal Trainers
– Group Exercise Instructors
– Lifeguards
– Swim Instructors
Sport Clubs – Dale Russell, Coordinator for Sport Clubs and Youth Programs
– Youth Camp Counselor
Intramurals – Thad Dwyer, Assistant Director for Intramurals
– Intramural Assistants and Supervisors
– Intramural Officials
Maine Bound – Beth Jackson, Maine Bound Coordinator
– Front Desk / Climbing Wall Staff
– Instructors / Trip Leaders
Marketing/IT – TJ England, Coordinator for Marketing and Outreach
– Marketing / New Media Assistants
– IT/Database Assistant
Step 2: Complete all online training modules and email the certificates to your supervisor:
Required Trainings:
- Basic Safety
- Information Security
- Sexual Harassment
- Title IX
- Computer Workstation Training (for employees who use a computer more than 4 hours on most days)
Step 3: CPR / First Aid / AED (for Adult/Child/Infant) Certification
Make sure your CPR / First Aid / AED training is up to date. If your training was done here at Campus Recreation, it is good for 2 years. We hold several training sessions each Semester; the cost is $30 for our employees. You must register AND PAY in advance. Stop at the front desk or call 581-1082 for dates and times.
Step 4: Attend Staff Training
A mandatory “All-Staff” Training is usually held on the Sunday before each Semester of classes begins (Fall and Spring); ask your supervisor for exact date/time. Area-Specific training is scheduled by each supervisor, so check with him/her for more information about that as well.
How do I log my hours in to get paid?
You have to log your hours in two different ways:
- Clock in and out through SubitUp before and after every shift!
- Report those time in/out records using your MaineStreet time sheet before the end of each week.
How do I get my paycheck?
If you have any questions contact your supervisor or Student Employment