Tanya Beaulieu, Ph.D.

Dr. Beaulieu received her Ph.D. from Washington State University in Management Information Systems. Her research interests include communication in online communities, crowdfunding, and entrepreneur’s use of technology. She has published in outlets such as MIS QuarterlyCommunications of the Association for Information Systems, and the Journal of Computer Information Systems, as well as proceedings such as the International Conference of Information Systems (ICIS).

She previously served as the Managing Editor of the Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS). Prior to her Ph.D., Dr. Beaulieu owned a software development and consulting firm specializing in custom software development for large enterprise systems.


Ph.D., Washington State University (2015)

Teaching Areas

Information Systems and Technology for Business

Dr. Beaulieu’s CV


Carol B. Gilmore Memorial Service Award (2024) – University of Maine – Maine Business School

Extraordinary Service Award (2023), SIG GTM

Research Grant, Maine Business School, University of Maine (2019)

Online Course Development Grant, Maine Business School, University of Maine (2019)

Editorial Boards

Editorial Board, Information Systems Research (ISR), (2024 – present)

Associate Editor, Communication of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS), (2015-2023)


Mills R., Fyfe E., Beaulieu, T. & Mills, M. (2024). “Are you inspired or overwhelmed? The benefits of teachers setting challenging expectations”.  Instructional Science.

Jones, N., Beaulieu, T., Miles, P. (2023). “Challenges of digital transformation in rural business: An Exploratory paper.” Journal of Micro & Small Business Management (4:2), pp. 28-39.

Angelis, J., Murthy, R., Beaulieu, T., Miller, J. (2022). “Better Angry than Afraid: The Case of Post Data Breach Emotions on Customer Engagement,” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.

Hedman, J., Beaulieu, T., & Karlström, M. (2021). “The Tales of Alphanumerical Symbols in Media: The Case of Bitcoin,” Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (16:7), pp. 2768-2792

Jones, N., Miles, P., Beaulieu, T. (2021). “The Value of Social Media Advertising Strategies on Tourist Behavior: A Game Changer for Small Rural Businesses,” Journal of Small Business Strategy (31:4).

Mills, R., Beaulieu, T., Feldon, D., Olsen, D. (2020). “Implications of Pre-Lecture Material on Cognitive Load and Instructional Effectiveness in Cross-Disciplinary IS Education: The Nexus of Benford’s Law and SQL,” Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education.

Sarker, S., Xiao, X., Beaulieu, T., Lee, A.S. 2018. “Learning from First-Generation Qualitative Approaches in the IS Discipline: An Evolutionary View and Some Implications for Authors and Evaluators (Part 2/2),” Journal of the Association for Information Systems(19:9), pp. 909-923.

Sarker, S., Xiao, X., Beaulieu, T., Lee, A.S. 2018. “Learning from First-Generation Qualitative Approaches in the IS Discipline: An Evolutionary View and Some Implications for Authors and Evaluators (Part 1/2),” Journal of the Association for Information Systems(19:8), pp. 752-774.

Mills, R., Beaulieu, T., Johnson, J. 2017. “Using SQL as a Theory of Planned Behavior Moderator to Examine Curriculum-Oriented and Promotional IS Enrollment Strategies,” Journal of Computer Information Systems (57:4), pp. 299-308.

Beaulieu, T., Dupin-Bryant, P., Olsen, D. 2017. “Dynamic SQL Knowledge as a Mechanism for Increasing Individual Absorptive Capacity,” International Journal of Management & Information Systems.

Mills, R., Dupin-Bryant, P., Johnson, J., Beaulieu, T. 2016. “Examining Learning Styles and Perceived Benefits of Analogical Problem Construction on SQL Knowledge Acquisition,” Journal of Information Systems Education (26:3), pp. 203-218.

Beaulieu, T., Sarker, S., Sarker, S. 2015. “A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Crowdfunding,” Communications of the Association for Information Systems (37:1), pp. 1-31.

Beaulieu, T., Martin, T., Sarker, S., and Bjørn-Andersen, N. 2015. “Confronting, Confirming, and Dispelling Myths Surrounding ERP-in-the-Cloud: From Iron Cage to Agility,”AIS Transactions on Enterprise Systems (2:1), pp. 2-16.

Sarker, S., Xiao, X., and Beaulieu, T2013. “Guest Editorial: Qualitative Studies in Information Systems: A Critical Review and Some Guiding Principles,” MIS Quarterly (37:4), pp. iii-xviii.

Refereed Conferences Proceedings & Conference Panels

Mills, R., Fyfe, E., Beaulieu, T., Davies, H. (2023). “Using Peer Exemplars as a Small Teaching Strategy in an SQL Exploratory Activity,” Paper presented at the 63rd IACIS Annual Conference.

Angelis, J., Murthy, R., Beaulieu, T., Miller, J. (2021). “From Favorited to Fear: An Empirical Investigation of Customer Emotions and Behavior of Online Customers After Date Breaches,” Paper presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting.

Angelis, J., Beaulieu, T., Miller, J. (2020). “Hacked but Not Forgotten: An Empirical Investigation of Customer Emotions and Actions after Data Theft,” Paper presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting.

Beaulieu, T., Sarker, S., Sarker, S. (2019). “Contribution Decision in Crowdfunding: A Foundational Model,” Paper presented at the JAIS Theory Development Workshop, Munich, Germany.

Bharati, P., Davidson, E., Beaulieu, T., Syed, R. “At the Interface of Social Media Analytics, Big Data and Social Movements: Research Challenges,” Symbosium presented at the 2017 Academy of Management Meeting (August 4-8), Atlanta, Georgia.

Olsen, D. Watterson-Balls, T., Beaulieu, T. 2017. “The Gig Economy Viewed Through an IS Lens: Evolutionary or Revolutionary?” Applied Business and Entrepreneurship Association International Conference.

Beaulieu, T., Dupin-Bryant, P., Olsen, D. 2016. “Increasing Individual Absorptive Capacity by Teaching Dynamic SQL,” Presented at the International Academic Conference on Business, Maui, Hawaii. Paper received 2ndPlace Conference Award.

Beaulieu, T., Sarker, S., Sarker, S. 2015.Analyzing Online Discourse: Some Theoretical Ideas and a Visualization Approach,” Presented at the Thirty-Sixth International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Fort Worth, TX.

Beaulieu, T., Sarker, S. 2013. “Discursive Meaning Creation in Crowdfunding: A Socio-material Perspective,” Presented at the Thirty-Fourth International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Milan, Italy.

Sarker, S., Xiao, X., and Beaulieu, T. 2012. “Toward an Anatomy of ‘Successful’ Qualitative Research Manuscripts in IS: A Critical Review and Some Recommendations,” Paper presented at the Thirty-Third International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Orlando, FL.

Beaulieu, T. 2001. “Effective Use of IT Resources,” Paper presented at the Mountain Plains Management Conference, Pocatello, ID.

Invited Publications and Presentations

Beaulieu, T. (2020). “Cryptocurrency and the Blockchain – What’s it all about?” Invited presentation at the Bangor-Waterville Maine IMA luncheon.  Attendees received CPA hours for attendance.

Beaulieu, T. 2017. “Visualizing Computer-Mediated Conversations through Communication Action Maps (CAM),” Invited presentation at the Sequences, Traces, & Time: Building a research community workshop, sponsored by the Center for Business & Social Analytics, Michigan State University.

Beaulieu, T. 2015. “Analyzing Trouble in Crowdfunding: A Discursive Perspective,” Paper presented at the JAIS Theory Development Workshop, Fort Worth, TX.