The 2022 Career Ready Games
Sponsored by Enterprise, Hosted by the Maine Business School & The UMaine Career Center
Monday, March 28th – Friday, April 1st
Overview: The Career Ready Games is a series of “Career Ready” challenges over the course of a week. Participants have an opportunity to showcase their skills and compete on an individual and/or team basis.
Eligibility: All UMaine Students
The Challenges: The Pitch, The Motivation, The Interview, The Scenario, The Final (5-10 minutes)
The Prizes:
Career Essentials Kit for ALL Participants ($50 Value/Kit)
Gift Card Drawing (10 $50 Gift Cards)
Charity Contributions for the Top 3 Highest Scoring Teams ($500, $300, $200)
How it Works:
Step 1: Register by Sunday, 3/27
*Register as an individual and have an option to affiliate with a team!
Step 2: Compete in daily challenges in Brightspace (Monday, March 28th – Friday, April 1st)
Step 3: Claim prizes during the Final Ceremony (Thursday, April 7th)
Earn 10 Points for every completed challenge
For every 10 Points, earn 1 Ticket for the Drawing (10 $50 Gift Cards)
The top 3 highest scoring teams receive a monetary gift for a charitable contribution to an organization of their choice.
1st = $500, 2nd = $300, 3rd = $200
Contact for any questions about the Career Ready Games.