Internship Story: Ivan Young and Worthington Scholarship Foundation

It’s not often that a student has the opportunity to give back to those that have helped them in a meaningful, constructive way. When Ivan Young from Camden, Maine, discovered that the Worthington Scholarship Foundation had a full-time summer internship in his field of expertise, he knew he had to apply. As a recipient of a Worthington scholarship, Ivan says it feels good to be working for an organization that has done so much for the community and his personal, educational journey.

Why did you choose to intern at the Worthington Scholarship Foundation?

Besides being a beneficiary of a Worthington scholarship, my interest in data, analytics, and developing and implementing information systems fit the internship role of Business Analyst.

What are your internship tasks?

I collect, organize, and prepare applicants’ academic, financial, and demographic information for analysis. I also create and present reports for the Worthington Scholarship Foundations board of advisors. One way my work has made a difference is by proposing, creating, and testing a new scoring system for the Foundation, which will be used in the coming years for thousands of applicants.

What do you like most about your internship?

The work, the location, and the people. I’m doing what I’m passionate about in my favorite place in Midcoast, Maine. My coworkers are great and are helping me develop my professional skills.

What are the biggest challenges you face as an intern?

One of my biggest challenges was my first board report. I was worried about not sounding professional enough or being asked questions about my data that I couldn’t answer. I rehearsed my presentation and studied my analytics, and was thoroughly prepared.

What are you learning at your internship that you couldn’t learn in a classroom?

I’ve been learning a wide range of things on the job, from basic business edict to detailed skills. I’ve significantly refined my technical expertise, especially with Excel and web development. I also feel that I have gained valuable experience with managerial finances, professional writing, and presentation skills.

How will this internship experience help you as you move forward in your career?

The connections I have made are extremely valuable to me. I’ve developed friendships with the other interns and been able to work closely with my advisor and boss. The members of the board, who are deeply rooted in the Midcoast area, all serve as valuable connections that can be useful in post-collegiate career paths.

Any advice to share with other MBS students considering an internship?

Find what makes you happy. As cliche as it sounds, finding an interesting and engaging job that can help you develop your professional skills while being enjoyable is essential.

Hometown: Camden, Maine
Major(s): Business Information Systems & Security Management and Marketing

Year of Graduation: Expected 2024
Internship Title: Business Analyst