Myrden co-authors article in Journal of Knowledge Management
“Understanding Disengagement from Knowledge Sharing: Engagement Theory versus Adaptive Cost Theory,” an article co-authored by MBS Assistant Professor of Marketing Susan Myrden, has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Knowledge Management later this year. Myrden wrote the article with professors Tim Jones and Dianne Ford, both from Memorial University of Newfoundland in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada.
The study, which is based on knowledge workers (engineers, architects, doctors, scientists, accountants, lawyers and academics) uses competing hypotheses (a spillover hypothesis
based on Engagement Theory and a provisioning hypothesis based on Adaptive Cost Theory) to help explain why employees become disengaged from sharing knowledge at work.
“This paper contains highly relevant and insightful information concerning knowledge sharing in organizations,” said Myrden. “One of the most interesting results for researchers as
well as practitioners is that (lack of ) health and well-being is the most important antecedent for disengaging from knowledge sharing. Health is an under-researched factor in knowledge
management. “In addition, the findings of this study provide insight for practitioners on how to prevent disengagement from knowledge sharing, which can be highly problematic in many organizations.”