Title: Business Analytics in the Sports and Entertainment Industry
Guest Speaker: Luke Nofsinger, Product Manager at KORE Software
Date: Thursday, February 9th, 2023
Time: 7:00 – 8:15pm
Sign up/RSVP link: RSVP HERE
About Luke Nofsinger:
Luke Nofsinger, Product Manager at KORE Software, oversees the product strategy and development roadmap for several business analytic SaaS products in data warehousing and customer data platforms (CPD). Luke has several years of experience both as a business analyst and managing a team of analytics consultants in the Sports and Entertainment industry where he focused on revenue reporting, marketing ROI, lead scoring, and retention models. As an analyst, Luke leveraged the products he now oversees and manages. His goal is to democratize business data by making it more accessible and usable across the organization.
Upcoming Events:
Contact Taylor.boucher@maine.edu for any questions about the Business Analytics Speaker Series.