Program Overview

Program Overview

The University of Maine Dance Team is a part of the Black Bear Marching Band, and provides pregame, halftime and stands entertainment during home football games. As a member of the Black Bear Marching Band you will belong to one of the most visible organizations at the University of Maine, performing for thousands of fans throughout the season.

Time Commitment

The time commitment required to be on the team is extensive, but well worth it! The following is an approximation of the kind of commitment you can expect through the different seasons, but keep in mind this in only an approximation.

Spring/Summer (May-August)

Practice: There are no scheduled practices, but it is highly recommended all team members continue to dance throughout the summer.

UDA Summer Camp: Dates TBA but usually held at the end of July – Held at the University of Maine. A 2-day camp where we work with a UDA instructor learning choreography and work on technique/skills.
Band Camp: (2024: August 24th-August 30th)- Held at the University of Maine, one week prior to school beginning. We learn 90% of all routines for the season during this one-week camp. This is a very strenuous week and members must be ready to handle this level of activity.

Additional: Members will be expected to devote time to fundraising.

Fall (September-December)

Practice: Tuesday: 5:00-6:30pm; Thursday: 3:30-4:50pm; Friday: 4:00-5:20pm. (NOTE: Additional Saturday practices WILL be scheduled once a month for all team members. If the team is competing, competing members may have additional practices to prepare for competition.)

Performance: All home football games and special events (parades, marching band shows, additional campus events, etc).

Additional: If competing, members will be expected to devote time to fundraising.
Winter (January-March) *team members have option to continue through Winter Season

Practice: Tuesday: 4:30-6:00pm & Thursday: 3:30-4:50pm (game day dancers only); Friday: 4:00-5:20pm (competition dancers only). (NOTE: If the team is competing, competing members WILL have additional Saturday practices to prepare for competition.)

Performance: January/February: 1-3/week; March: 1-3 performances total

Additional: Members participating in the winter dance season will be expected to devote time to fundraising by attending and participating in holding our annual Dance Team Clinic. If competing, members will be expected to devote time to additional fundraising.