Timothy Babulski
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Art Education

- PhD in Curriculum and Instruction, University of Minnesota, Twin-Cities
- MAT in Art Education, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
- BFA in Computer Art (major) and Art History (minor), Savannah College of Art and Design, School of Film and Digital Media
Selected Publications
Babulski, T. (in press). What art teaches us: Reexamining the pillars of visual arts curricula. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Babulski, T. D. (2017). Disrupting authority: The phenomenality of antioppressive education in the arts (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 10286503)
Refereed Journal Articles:
Babulski, T. (in press). Being and becoming woke in teacher education. Phenomenology & Practice.
A Phenomenology Collective (Martin-Kerr, K.-G., Zilmer, C., Babulski, T., Funfe Tatah Mentan, C., Colum, K.). (2019). Cultivating activism in the academy: A Deluezoguattarian exploration of phenomenological projects in M. Vagle, J. Johnson Thiel, & B. Hofsess (Eds.) Unsettling traditions: Reimagining the craft of phenomenological and hermeneutic inquiry [special issue]. Qualitative Inquiry.
Babulski, T. (2014). Redefining the standards. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 50, pp. 52-55.