Scallop Aquaculture Initiative

Lead PI: Desmond Fitzgerald

Project Team: Hugh Cowperthwaite, Blaine Grimes, Jake Ward, Jonathan Labaree, Gayle Zydlewski, Mike Bonney

Abstract: The Gulf of Maine Research Institute, University of Maine, Coastal Enterprises, Inc., and the Maine Aquaculture Innovation Center plan to partner with Maine private farmers and coastal communities to look at the status of scallop aquaculture in Maine with the goal of a wholistic approach that address resource gaps, identify known barriers, and initiate community-informed development along the coast of Maine. We propose to approach this in two phases, beginning with a study and scoping phase led by a project team and supported by an independent Project Manager. The scoping phase will identify historic and current experiences of the industry, recent and ongoing research and development activities, and most recent market trends and marketing channels. The results of the scoping phase will be a Phase Two project plan that may include pilot activities intended to fill the knowledge and operational gaps that could be implemented beginning in the FY 21 & FY 22 farming seasons. This will be followed by a second phase co-designed to scale scallop farming efforts statewide, the scope, costs and structure of which will be outlined as a Phase One deliverable. A key principle of this project is that we will collect information from across the state about scallop farming by engaging with researchers, industry experts, industry members, state and NGO resources to consolidate our collective knowledge and develop a reduced risk, open source collection of information for aquaculture entrepreneurs interested in scallop farming.

Project Dates: 1/15/21 -6/15/21

Project Funding: Private