Highlighting Maine Fishermen as Leaders in Sustainable Aquaculture

Lead PI: Jesse Baines

PI Email: jbaines@atlanticseafarms.com

Project Team: Jesse Baines, Atlantic Sea Farms; Briana Warner, Atlantic Sea Farms; Liz MacDonald, Atlantic Sea Farms

Abstract: While participation in Maine’s aquaculture industry by fishermen has grown in the recent past, many within Maine’s fishing communities remain either skeptical or largely unaware of opportunities in Maine’s aquaculture sector. Through a series of storytelling, media, and public engagement initiatives, Atlantic Sea Farms aims to achieve three goals: to promote Maine fishermen’s participation and impact in the aquaculture sector in order to inspire more fishermen to diversify their income into aquaculture in the face of climate change; to address opposition to aquaculture by speaking directly to, and from, Maine’s fishing communities to highlight the complementary natures of both industries; and to create a closer link between Maine’s iconic lobster industry and Maine’s aquaculture sector to help promote aquacultured seafood and highlight its traceability and connect consumers to the real people who grow their food.

Project Dates: May 2022 – June 2023

Project Funding: Maine Aquaculture HUB
