Touch Tank for Sea Farmers: Healthy Coastal Communities Through Sea Food, Sea Farms, and Education

Lead PI: Sara Randall

PI Email:

Abstract: The Downeast Institute has proposed this project to enable the purchase of a state-of-the-art portable marine touch tank and associated supplies. This touch tank will be taken to outreach events across the state by DEI staff and available to rent by aquaculturists for the same purpose. The goal of this project is to increase integration & understanding of aquaculture in Maine’s coastal communities through hands-on touch tank discovery experiences. The objectives are to enhance DEI’s outreach at the state and local level, work with partners to consolidate and expand aquaculture outreach into K-12 grade education and develop resources and support materials to enable farmers to enhance their own outreach activities.

Project Dates: May 2022 – June 2023

Project Funding: Maine Aquaculture HUB

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