Dr. David Sanger
Professor of Anthropology and Quaternary Studies
Professional Interests:
Professor Sanger’s interests involve pre-European archaeology of Maine and the Maritime Provinces, with particular interest in peoples’ adaptation to the littoral zone and to landscapes that changed throughout the Holocene.
Representative Publications:
Sanger, David. 2009. Foraging for Swordfish (Xiphias gladius)in the Gulf of Maine, in Painting with a Broad Brush: Papers in Honor of James V. Wright, edited by D. Keenlyside and J.L. Pilon, pp 1-36, Mercury Series Archaeology Paper 170, National Museum of Civilization, Gatineau, Quebec.
Sanger, David. 2008. Discerning Regional Variation: The Terminal Archaic Period in the Quoddy Region of the Maritime Peninsula. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 32:1-42.
Sanger, David, Heather Almquist and Ann Diffenbacher-Krall. 2007. Mid-Holocene Cultural Adaptations to Central Maine, USA. In Climate Change and Cultural Dynamics, edited by D. Anderson, D. Sandweiss and K. Maasch., pp. 435-456. Academic Press, San Diego.
Sanger, David. 2006. An Introduction to the Archaic of the Maritime Peninsula: The View from Central Maine. In The Archaic of the Far Northeast, edited by D. Sanger and M. A. P. Renouf, pp. 221-252. University of Maine Press, Orono.
Sanger, David and M.A. P. Renouf (editors. 2006. The Archaic of the Far Northeast. University of Maine Press, Orono
Sanger, David. 2003. Who Lived in Pre-European Maine?: A Cosmology Approach to Social Patterning on the Landscape. Northeast Anthropology 66:29-39.
Sanger, David, Alice R Kelley and Heather Almquist. 2003. Geoarchaeological and Cultural Interpretations in the Lower Penobscot Valley, Maine. In Geoarchaeology of Landscapes in the Glaciated Northeast, edited by J. Hart and D. Cremeens, pp. 135-150. New York State Museum, Bulletin 497, Albany, NY.
Sanger, David, Alice R. Kelley and Henry N. Berry, IV. 2001. Geoarchaeology at Gilman Falls: An Archaic Quarry and Manufacturing Site in Central Maine, U.S.A. Geoarchaeology: An International Journal 16(7):633-665.