About Anthropology
Anthropology is the study of human cultures, societies, and behavior in all parts of the world throughout all periods of history. There are four sub-disciplines: archaeology, the study of past cultures and civilizations; socio-cultural anthropology, which is concerned with current cultures of all degrees of complexity; physical anthropology, the biological aspects of the human species; and anthropological linguistics, which is concerned with the scientific study of language and its relationship to thought and society.
Career Opportunities:
Anthropology provides very broad training in the social sciences. Therefore, a background in Anthropology is useful in any career in which an understanding of people or the societies in which they live is important. Due to the broad nature of the field, students trained in anthropology have followed a wide range of careers. In recent years, our majors have pursued careers in anthropology, archaeology, law, social work, business, theology, library science, writing, museum work, nursing, computer programming, clinical psychology, education, and economic development.
International Affairs majors (Culture, Conflict, and Globalization concentration) receive excellent preparation for careers in law, foreign service, international development, international business and economics, government, and diplomatic service.
Human Dimensions of Climate Change majors receive excellent interdisciplinary training in the social and environmental sciences. Graduates are well-prepared for career paths in conservation and environmental protection, and to work with private businesses as well as state, national, and international institutions that deal with policy decisions related to the human dimensions of climate management and change.
Students with course work and practical experience in archaeology, as well as those with graduate degrees in archaeology, have found employment with public agencies and private organizations concerned with cultural resource management.
Special Resources and Programs:
The archaeology faculty has expertise in North America, South America, and the Mediterranean. The cultural anthropologists have expertise in North America, Latin America, Europe, and Asia.
Periodically, the anthropology faculty offers field schools in archaeology and ethnography. Students also are encouraged to participate in research programs in New England and the Maritime Provinces currently in progress. In recent years students have been hired to work on archaeology field and laboratory projects, in the Maine Folklife Center, and the Hudson Museum of Anthropology.
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