About Us
The Alliance for Maine’s Marine Economy (Alliance) is a responsive network of companies, organizations and individuals dedicated to the growth of a vibrant marine economy for Maine. Our mission is to ensure that Maine seafood, fishing and aquaculture industries and the natural and innovation ecosystems on which they depend are healthy and benefit Maine people and communities. We are committed to the idea that “a rising tide lifts all boats,” and together, we accomplish more than any single organization can carry forward on its own.
This network formed in 2016 following a state-sponsored, citizens’ marine-bond initiative (seven million dollars in public funds administered by Maine Technology Institute, plus more than seven million dollars in initial private investments) that supported 17 innovative projects from Saco to Machiasport. These investments in public and private infrastructure, capital equipment, new technologies and workforce development are transforming Maine’s seafood economy.
The Alliance builds partnerships and provides opportunities for members to work together to pursue projects and resources that work to sustain and grow Maine’s marine economy. Our diverse portfolio of investments, activities, and members provides a deep perspective on the needs and priorities of Maine’s seafood economy. We provide professional development opportunities that facilitate new collaborations, learning and adoption of best practices across the sector. We also connect business and community needs to institutions, informing new research and initiatives that foster growth in Maine’s marine economy.
The University of Maine System, including the following entities: Darling Marine Center, Maine Sea Grant, Aquaculture Research Institute, Cooperative Extension, Lobster Institute, Office of Innovation and Economic Development, and the University of Maine at Machias; Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, Blue Hill Bay Mussels, LLC Coastal Enterprises, Inc. ,Community Shellfish, LLC, Cooke Aquaculture, Downeast Institute, Georgetown Aquaculture, LLC, Gulf of Maine Research Institute, Luke’s Lobster/Cape Seafood, Maine Aquaculture Innovation Center, Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries, Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association, Maine Department of Marine Resources, Maine Lobster Dealers’ Association, Maine Technology Institute, Mook Sea Farm, Ready Seafood/Maine Seafood Ventures, Shuck’s Maine Lobster, The Maine Aquaculture Cooperative, and the University of New England.
OUR 2020 STEERING COMMITTEE : Curt Brown (Chair), Ready Seafood, Andrew Lively, Cooke Aquaculture, Brian Beal, UMaine Machias, Charles Tilburg, University of New England, Hugh Cowperthwaite, Coastal Enterprises, Inc., Paul Anderson, Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries, and Beth Bisson, Maine Sea Grant.
The Alliance will always be a work in progress, as new members join and new needs and prospects arise. It will be flexible enough to work with emerging opportunities and challenges, while constantly assessing the best avenues for a productive and profitable marine economy.
If you are interested in joining the Alliance, please contact Keri Kaczor, Alliance Coordinator, or Curt Brown, Alliance Chair, Ready Seafood. Kaczor can be reached at keri.kaczor@maine.edu or 207.832.0343; and Brown can be reached at cbrown@readyseafood.com or 207.653.7354
If you would like to be added to the Alliance mailing list or have specific questions about our developing programs, please use the form below. Thank you.